Holiday News from Little House Rugs
We're working hard on our upcoming issue of Magpie Times: Marshmallow World (print version and digital version) coming out on December 17, 2024.
We have been asked many times if we will be able to offer a subscription to Magpie Times. Unfortunately, the answer is no. We're such a small operation, and we don't sell advertising, so the print costs are too high. However, there's nothing stopping us from offering a subscription discount to the digital version. Starting with our December issue, you'll get 4 digital magazines for the price of 3, plus no postage! The digital version is absolutely beautiful, and you can print up whatever you want (plus, no postage!).
Although the deadline for new submissions has passed, we may still have room for a few more holiday stories, photos, recipes, etc. If we can't fit you into this issue, we save everything, so we'll find a place in a future one! If you have anything you'd like to share, email me!
Thanks everyone, and happy hooking!
Judy Taylor